Donate to Team Memories of Mary for Scholarships, Research & Financial Assistance
Mary could have been one of the 700,000 people in the US living with a primary brain tumor but she didn't make it. Another 88,970 people were estimated to be diagnosed this year. Thats why WE NEED YOUR HELP in this fight.
Mary could have been one of the 700,000 people in the US living with a primary brain tumor but she didn't make it. Another 88,970 people were estimated to be diagnosed this year. Thats why WE NEED YOUR HELP in this fight.
We need your help for the brain tumor community today!
Mary Elizabeth Smith is the namesake of this charity. After her diagnosis of a meningioma brain tumor, she was gone just 4 days later. We honor her memory by remaining committed to winning the fight against brain tumors. The charities goals are set to benefit even more aspiring students and researchers within the brain tumor community. MESF is focused on raising over $22,000 at the 2022 Fun Run/Walk. MESF is dedicated to our FIND-A-CURE, AIM HIGH and SAVE-A-LIFE initiatives. These programs fund research, provide scholarships and give financial support to brain tumor patients and their families.
Through our community fundraising events, MESF has contributed over 90,000 towards the fight against brain tumors. We are dedicated to making a difference by spreading awareness about this devastating condition. Your SUPPORT is instrumental to our success in these endeavors. So please choose to DONATE to our vision to one day live in a world where brain tumors do not exist...period.
DONATE then REGISTER for the VIRTUAL 13th Annual Mary E. Smith Foundation 5K/10K Brain Tumor Awareness Fun Run/Walk taking place on Saturday JULY 23rd in Country Club Hills, IL OR ANY TIME & ANY WHERE you choose between Saturday July 9th - Saturday July 23rd. To get started visit